
Local SEO Monitoring + Insights

14 9 Slots Still Available — Affordable Rates for Senior Living — Now Through 9/30/2024

If you're a senior living executive director or regional sales director, you know that ground game is crucial. If your senior living community isn't showing up in Google's "Map Pack" for search terms like "assisted living near me," the chances that someone will find you—let alone schedule a tour—plummet drastically.

Unfortunately, a lot of EDs and RSDs are flying blind when it comes to Local SEO. Many operators don't have local SEO specialists in their marketing departments, and a lot of generalist marketers struggle to use Local SEO tools properly.

Amethron is here to help.

Right now, we have additional space to take on a few more Local SEO clients at a special rate. For just $97 per community, per month, we'll give you everything you need to reach more people in your neighborhood, including:

  • 30-minute monthly strategy call to learn about your market and current challenges

  • Detailed monthly reporting on you and your competitors

  • Actionable insights personalized to each community

  • Strategies you can implement on the community level to improve your ratings

If you're interested, email us at [email protected] or call (855) 466-6348 today. These slots are very limited, and once they're gone we won't be accepting more at this rate for at least a year.