Time is Running Out to Migrate Your Drupal 7 Website

On January 5, 2025, Drupal 7 will reach its official end-of-life.

 What does that mean for your organization?

  • Critical security updates will stop—leaving you vulnerable to exploits

  • Plugin maintenance will stop—breaking your third-party integrations

  • Support will get exponentially more expensive

  • Hosting such an outdated CMS will become more expensive and difficult

Protect your organization by talking to one of our Drupal 7 migration experts today.

How CMS Migration Works

CMS migration changes out the software that powers your site.

 Your old Drupal 7 backend will be completely changed out with a new, enterprise-grade content management system. Your new site will be:

  • Faster, more reliable, and more secure

  • More scalable and customizable

  • Cost-effective and easy to maintain

By default, a CMS migration leaves your site's content and appearance the same. We can do a visual redesign of your site at the same time, or you can do it at another time—the choice is yours.

Amethron specializes in CMS migrations. Our proprietary tools and 37+ years of combined web development experience give us an edge over other web developers.


We work with Statamic—a modern, enterprise-grade CMS that powers leading corporate websites.

Statamic is faster, more reliable, more secure, and easier to work with than Drupal 7.

Statamic uses a secure and lightning-fast flat file storage system that easily handles large amounts of data without the overhead of relational databases.

The intuitive interface and editing tools are easy for non-technical users to work with, but its powerful, extensible architecture can handle nearly any challenge you throw at it.

First released in 2012, Statamic's active community and development team have worked hard to ensure that it remains one of the best commercially-available CMSes.


  • How much does Drupal 7 migration cost?

  • How long does Drupal 7 migration take?

  • Will my Drupal 7 integrations still work on Statamic?

  • What if we keep our site on Drupal 7 after the end-of-life?

  • What if I want a visual redesign, too?

  • Will I be locked into using you for hosting and maintenance?

Act Soon—The Clock is Ticking

While your organization's website won't stop working immediately, the Drupal 7 end-of-life means its safety and performance will continue to degrade over time.

Your website is the only digital marketing tool you fully control. Keeping it on a dying CMS risks downtime that will cost you sales and potentially security incidents that can damage your brand and reputation.

Call Amethron today and get a free, no-obligation CMS migration quote from our team of Drupal 7 migration experts.

We'll have you on your way to a new, powerful, and secure content management system that your whole team will enjoy using.